2023 Year In Review


2023 marked the single largest year of growth in DREAM’s three-decade history - a story that started with a garbage-strewn lot on an East Harlem block, and has grown into a PreK-12 charter school network serving thousands of young people annually through our Grow the Whole Child model.

DREAM has always known that place matters. Place creates context, and context creates meaning. And the meaning of safe, beautiful schools for our students, families, and community is that they matter. Their schools should match their dreams.

But we also know this: whether it’s happening on a lot behind a chain-link fence, strewn with the litter that others have thrown away, or at our brand-new DREAM Charter School at 20 Bruckner in the South Bronx - our commitment to the work is the same.

When children are supported, invested in, and loved, they take their power out into their world and they make change. That’s the work DREAM is committed to - and that’s how we create a just future where every single child, from every single zip code, can experience, influence, and lead generational change.

Richard BerlinRichard BerlinCo-CEO
Eve ColavitoEve ColavitoCo-CEO

DREAM Maxims

From our classrooms to our ballfields, DREAM’s maxims amplify the values that have guided us since 1991 and will carry us into the future.

All Kids Can. This Kid Can.

At DREAM, 29% of students have identified special needs, a number that is well above the New York City average. This is because DREAM is committed to our All Kids Can. This Kid Can. maxim—the strong belief that every student belongs and every student can achieve.

First, DREAM’s approach to teaching is from an asset-strength perspective. Each year, DREAM teachers conduct home visits with every family, meeting students and learning what their assets and strengths are so they can leverage them. DREAM is also flexible and adaptable, helping children gradually work toward goals with a responsive curriculum that allows teachers to teach grade-level content, while also meeting the needs of individual students. And finally, DREAM believes that an accelerated approach and diverse environments are important for all learners. “When you have kids explaining their thinking in sophisticated ways, that’s good for everyone, and when kids are thinking about something in different ways than you were thinking before, that’s also good for everybody,” says DREAM co-Chief Executive Officer Eve Colavito. “Learning is not linear, and flexible thinking is one of the greatest assets to have as an adult.”

Dream is Family

Before DREAM Charter School at 20 Bruckner officially opened its doors this past winter, DREAM brought together current and prospective families, alumni, staff, and local community partners for Vecinos: A Neighborhood Block Party. During a festive afternoon of live music, dancing, and free food, Vecinos celebrated our Mott Haven neighborhood and connected the extended DREAM family to our newest neighbors on and around Bruckner Boulevard.

Throughout the day, children enjoyed face painting, block building, clubhouse games, and a book drive, all while their families were treated to salsa lessons and tasty bites from local vendors. Stepping inside, hundreds of attendees opted for tours of DREAM’s new building—a century-old Bronx ice house abandoned for four decades before DREAM reimagined it as a state-of-the-art school. With more than 1,500 people attending the block party,Vecinos was truly a catalyst for growing the DREAM family in Mott Haven.

fun is a Serious Value

Founded in the 1980s when a group of teenagers began tagging subway cars with their graffiti, the South Bronx’s Tats Cru has grown into an internationally acclaimed cohort of artists that have paved the way for graffiti’s appreciation as an artistic medium.

Today, the group is also DREAM’s partner in the creation of original works within DREAM’s East Harlem and Mott Haven locations. At the DREAM Charter School at 20 Bruckner, Tats Cru’s mural serves as the gateway to the building’s Arts Wing, a 19x100-foot mural depicting DREAM’s three-decade history. In East Harlem, Tats Cru’s work brings DREAM’s maxims alive, connecting each one to a representation of some of the DREAM family’s most special moments throughout the years. In both buildings, the works’ vast spectrums of color enliven DREAM’s hallways, and create a vibrant energy for all the students, families, and staff members who pass by. The murals also pay homage to DREAM’s aspirations for all students and Legends—to recognize their potential and realize their dreams.

Teamwork makes the DREAM work

In 2022-23, DREAM saw a 10+ percentage-point increase in both ELA and math assessment results for our K-2 students. These gains were achieved in large part due to the partnership between the organization’s Data and Curriculum Teams, which has been key to overcoming pandemic-driven learning obstacles and achieving student success. Working together, these teams created new DREAM systems for collecting and analyzing student data, equipping teachers and school leaders with the information and resources needed to more quickly identify learning gaps and implement strategies.

For example, as DREAM’s schools shifted to a new reading curriculum and reinforced their focus on math instruction, DREAM’s Data and Curriculum Teams introduced new assessment processes and more consistent procedures for assessing student learning. What’s more, the two teams partnered in the development of a new DREAM dashboard that makes it easier to analyze data within each classroom and specific school, as well as across DREAM’s network. This past summer, Chief Strategy Officer Katie Doctor and Managing Director of Curriculum and Instruction Adam Feiler were asked to present these initiatives at the National Charter Schools Conference, helping peer networks deepen their understanding of data analysis and cross-functional data dashboards.

Fail. Persist. Exceed.

DREAM’s summer programming—and our combined model of academic and wellness support—combats summer learning loss, bridges the gap between academic years, and sets students up for success. This past summer, our free summer programming—fueled by Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Summer Boost funding—provided more than 1,000 students in East Harlem and the South Bronx with the academic instruction, physical activity, and wellness support needed to better prepare for the upcoming school year.

And the results were extraordinary. Over five weeks, students’ ELA proficiency grew 20%, while students deepened their mastery of DREAM’s math instruction and continued to grow in their social-emotional development. At the elementary and middle school levels, students participated in 63 hours each of physical activity, taking part in new sport offerings, like soccer. More than 75 DREAM Charter High School students worked as summer coaches, providing guidance and mentorship to DREAM’s younger students. And 93% of REAL Kids participants said they felt adults expected them to try hard and do their best.


DREAM Mott Haven Elementary School third grader Javier seemed unmotivated to his math teachers Jessica Collins and Shauntai Quinlon. He would hide in the back of the room, slouch in his seat, and respond quietly when asked a question. As the year progressed, they realized he lacked confidence, and devised a strategy to build up Javier’s courage. When Jessica worked with him one-on-one, she’d coach him through problems and encourage him to search for the answers on his own. “I would tell him, ‘You have the same capabilities and tools to do what I would do to find the answer,’” she explains.

This approach empowered not only Javier, but all of his classmates to dream big, as evidenced by their historic results on the New York State math exam—80% of the grade achieved proficiency, surpassing NYC students by 25 percentage points, and District 7 students by 43 percentage points. What’s more, Javier grew to become a leader of his grade, tutoring others and advocating for them in the classroom. “Once he was given the courage to keep going, he started to see that he could do it,” says Jessica. “I told him he is the keeper of his own knowledge.”

Our Community and Impact

Who We Serve

of students are Black and/or Hispanic/Latino
of students qualify for free or reduced lunch
of students have identified special needs
of the DCHS Class of 2023 are first-generation college students
“My child’s identity is valued.”96% of DREAM parents
“My child feels that they belong.”93% of DREAM parents
“My child is safe at this school.”97% of DREAM parents
“I am satisfied with the opportunities to be involved in my child’s education.”95% of DREAM parents
“My child is learning what they need to succeed in college and beyond.”92% of DREAM parents

All Kids Can: DREAM’s 2022-23 New York State Test Results

DREAM Charter Schools students achieved the network’s highest-ever ELA and Math proficiency rates on the 2022-23 New York State Test, effectively closing the Covid learning gap for students in grades 3-8 and substantially outpacing peer schools. DREAM’s commitment to serving all kids means that the network accomplished these outcomes with a population composed of 29% of students with identified special needs (compared to NYC’s average of 21%), and equitable, inclusive practices that include backfilling every vacant seat in our schools.

These results also saw DREAM:

Outperform community district schools
…in Mott Haven and East Harlem by double-digit percentage points in both ELA and Math.
Increase subject proficiency in Math
…across all of DREAM’s middle schools, with staggering year-over-year growth ranging from 31 to 48 percentage points.
Ensure access for all learners
…with proficiency rates for students with special needs that were 11 percentage points higher in ELA and 18 percentage points higher in Math than NYC students with special needs.

Dream’s Class of 2023

A cohort of 96 graduating seniors—95% of whom are Black and/or Hispanic and 28% of whom have identified special needs—continued a tradition of pursuing diverse and ambitious postsecondary pathways that are rooted in student choice and agency.

0%college acceptance rate
$0M+in grants and scholarships
$0per year in Close the Gap grants for eight students
“We are in the business of young people and their lives and their futures—we know what our students are able to do impacts their communities, their families, and sets them up for generational success.”
- Briana Avery, DREAM’s Director of College

Tyler Bennett was on a study abroad trip in Colombia when he learned he had become the first-ever DREAM Charter High School student accepted to an Ivy League school. But he knew pursuing his passions may mean a different path. A lifelong performer, Tyler had also applied for a scholarship from the Garden of Dreams—a foundation that works to bring life-changing opportunities to young people—and was awarded $60,000, an amount that put his dream of studying drama at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts in reach.

Faced with two amazing options and a difficult decision, he says the support of DCHS teachers and staff ultimately led him to Tisch. “DREAM has taught me that staying focused and determined will always lead you to bigger things,” Tyler adds. “But being who you are in every space always matters.”

Kiarra Walters was looking for a college with high-level academic options and a lively and diverse community. After months of research with DREAM’s Office of College Access and Postsecondary Success, Emory University in Atlanta topped her list. A highly selective school, Emory boasts just a 13% acceptance rate, so Kiarra worked with DREAM’s Director of College, Briana Avery, to apply Early Decision—a strategy often employed by students in affluent and private high schools. “Ms. Avery wanted to make sure we all got the same equal amount of opportunities,” Kiarra recalls.

In the smaller Early Decision applicant pool, Kiarra’s high grades and strong application stood out even more, meaning she finalized her college plans earlier than many of her classmates. “It was a weight off my shoulders,” she says. “If you know where you want to go, Early Decision is a great tool in your toolkit.”

Ishmael Manon found himself choosing between more than 10 college acceptances this year, but the deciding factor kept coming down to cost rather than the best fit for him and his future plans. Fortunately, one of Ishmael’s college counselors advised him to apply for DREAM’s Close the Gap initiative, which provides critical funding for students whose first-choice college did not meet their full financial need.

Hoping to study business at Binghamton University—where the graduation rate for minority students is 15 percentage points higher than his next option—Ishmael was ultimately awarded $6,000 a year by the Close the Gap committee, exactly what he needed to make his college dreams a reality. “Money is the first thing people think about when they go to college,” he says. “Close the Gap will help get you there.”

Alicia Caldwell was the “go-to” student at DREAM Charter High School—a strong thought partner for school-wide initiatives and a leader within the building. Though attending a Historically Black College or University wasn’t on her radar, DREAM’s Director of College, Briana Avery, thought it would be a good fit, and encouraged her to apply for one of 10 UNCF Gray Scholarships worth $50,000 a year toward the HBCU of her choice.

When she learned she was accepted as a Gray Scholar, “I ran out of the cafeteria,” Alicia recalls. “Ms. Avery was waiting for me. It was a sweet moment.” Now attending Clark Atlanta University, Alicia is excited to become part of her new school’s campus community. “There are a lot of schools with kids who don’t look like me,” she says. “Going to an HBCU means leaving a legacy at a school that’s made for you, not against you.”

Alumni Spotlight

When asked about his greatest memory as a DREAM participant, Legend Jose Arvelo ’13 says one in particular stands out among the many.

“There was a program coordinator named Josh Van Kirk who really meant a lot to me,” he explains. “He came to my neighborhood and picked me up to go to an interview for a private college upstate. Seeing him be that invested in me made me emotional. He was so proud of me and the way I handled myself in that situation, being that it was my first time going away for a college interview.”

After graduating from Queens College with a degree in Physical Education, Jose returned to DREAM as a teacher, with hopes of showing that same support to his own students one day. He started as an assistant PE teacher in the newly founded DREAM Charter High School, then became the founding physical education teacher at DREAM Mott Haven Middle School. In both places, Jose faced obstacles to his teaching—first, working in a school with no gym, and then again dealing with the space constraints that arise when operating in a co-located building. Moving to the DREAM Charter School at 20 Brucker this past August, he saw all the potential that came with the new space.

“At DREAM, we make the best out of every situation,” Jose says. “Now we’re fortunate enough to have this building—the best gym in the city and this beautiful space that the kids deserve. This space can be a home for them.”

Jose has quickly taken to this new home, with its increased storage space for equipment and an office to sit and prepare his class content. He says the new building provides more opportunity for students to reset and get ready for success, as well as the opportunity for families to gather and participate in their children’s physical education, like the middle school athletic banquet held at 20 Bruckner last school year. What’s more, it gives him the chance to continue to invest in DREAM students, the same investment he received more than a decade ago.

“I feel like space inspires people,” Jose adds. “Being in this beautiful building, who wouldn’t feel motivated to come to work and give their best effort? Who wouldn’t thrive here? With the space we have, the resources we have, there’s a high chance to succeed.”

Our Financials

DREAM 5-Year Financial Analysis

School and Community Programs Combined
IncomeExpenseNet Assets

DREAM FY2023 Income & Expense

School and Community Programs Combined
DOE Per Pupil49.1%Public Grants21.2%Private Grants10.9%General Contributions10.8%Other Income8%
Expense $54.7M
Functional Program Expenses Excluding Capital75.6%Administration21%Fundraising3.4%

Our Supporters

We are so grateful for your support of DREAM’s work.

This list reflects general operating support from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.

  • Alkeon Capital Management
  • Yasmin and Karim Assef
  • Bank of America
  • David and Allison Blitzer
  • Bloomberg Philanthropies
  • The Charles Hayden Foundation
  • Charter School Growth Fund
  • The Clark Foundation
  • Gary Cohn and Lisa Pevaroff-Cohn
  • The Daneker Family
  • Herbert and Nell Singer Foundation
  • Katz Family Foundation
  • S. Katzman Produce
  • Bobby and Jill Le Blanc
  • Major League Baseball
  • Donald R. Mullen Jr. and Amanda M. Mullen
  • Tom and Marina Purcell
  • Robin Hood
  • The Rosh Family
  • The Samberg Family
  • Vik and Margarita Sawhney
  • Seadream Family Foundation
  • Select Equity Group Foundation
  • Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP
  • Walton Family Foundation

  • Anonymous
  • Altman Foundation
  • Martha Berlin
  • The Blackstone Charitable Foundation
  • Booth Ferris Foundation
  • Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP
  • Ashish and Sweta Doshi
  • Four Through Nine Foundation
  • Fried Frank
  • Gray Foundation
  • Michele and David Joerg
  • Madruga Family Foundation
  • Mike and Lori Milken
  • Colbert and Deirdre Narcisse
  • The Sobotka Family
  • David M. Solomon
  • Tiger Global Impact Ventures
  • The Truesdale Family

  • Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, LLC
  • Jennifer Dalven and Gary Swidler
  • Deloitte
  • Delta Air Lines
  • EY
  • Grubb Management LLC
  • The Hyde and Watson Foundation
  • The Joseph H. Flom Foundation
  • Kirkland & Ellis LLP
  • Balachandra and Mutka Kuchinad
  • Christopher and Kathryn Leonard
  • Diane and Darryl Mallah
  • Maverick Capital Foundation
  • Alden and Jane Millard
  • Alexandra and Greg Mondre
  • Morgan Stanley
  • The New York Yankees
  • PwC
  • RBC Capital Markets
  • Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
  • Jamie Stecher and Becky Diamond
  • Theodore Luce Charitable Trust
  • UBS

  • Anonymous (3)
  • A.J. Agarwal and Roswitha Mueller
  • BNP Paribas
  • David and Emily Breach
  • Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP
  • Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation
  • James Clark and Kate Murphy
  • Credit Suisse
  • Michael Del Giudice
  • Jason and Rhonda DeLand
  • Ellen & Ronald Block Family Foundation
  • David Flannery and Amy Wilson
  • George Link, Jr. Foundation
  • Heisman Trophy Trust
  • Hope R Fischer Revocable Trust
  • Anthony and Cynthia Kim
  • Vilas and Allison Kuchinad
  • Lowenstein Sandler LLP
  • Curtis Martin
  • MCJ Amelior Foundation
  • Kirk McKeown and Marjorie Cass
  • McKinsey & Company, Inc.
  • Debbie and George Miller
  • Nomura Securities International
  • Paul and Jenna Segal Family Foundation
  • Potamkin Family
  • Vered Rabia
  • Artie Rabin
  • Alan Schwartz and Nancy Seaman
  • Bob and Elizabeth Sheehan
  • Melissa Silver Sandler and Ricky Sandler
  • Robert F. Smith
  • Nick and Alexandra Thorne
  • Truist Securities
  • Gregg Walker
  • Diana Weiss and Erich Stegich
  • Wilf Family Foundations
  • Wipro

  • Anonymous (5)
  • Marshall Abbott
  • Richard and Avi Anthony
  • Eric and Lori Aroesty
  • Bazooka Candy Brands
  • BBR Partners
  • The Berlin Wittenstein Family
  • Lear and Anne Beyer
  • Renata Bloom
  • Emma Bloomberg and Jeremiah Kittredge
  • Brookfield Properties
  • Richard Browne
  • Cantor Fitzgerald
  • Citi
  • Greg Cohen
  • Con Edison
  • Construction Solutions, LLC
  • Costas Family Foundation
  • DBI Projects
  • The DiNovi Family
  • Evercore Wealth Management
  • Joan Fallon
  • Family Managment Corporation
  • Fanatics Charitable Foundation
  • Michael Fife
  • Jason Fishkind
  • The Fraser Family
  • Tom and Giselle Fraser
  • John Gardiner
  • The Georgetown Company
  • Glenn Markman Foundation
  • Good Words Foundation
  • Gary Green
  • Benjamin and Andrea Griswold
  • Jordan Grunewald and Yoni Gruskin
  • Jeffrey and Paula Gural
  • Ben and Laura Hakim
  • Jean & Louis Dreyfus Foundation
  • Jessica W. Nagle Foundation
  • Joy Construction Corp
  • JPMorgan Chase
  • Brian and Erin Kelly
  • KPS Capital Partners, LP
  • Kupor Family Trust
  • Lazard Family Office Partners
  • The Lizzie and Jonathan M. Tisch Foundation
  • Steven and Oxana Marks
  • Marvin Samson Foundation
  • Nazar and Jennifer Massouh
  • Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
  • Michelman & Robinson, LLP
  • Adam Miller Group
  • The Modlin Group
  • Hilarie and Mitchell Morgan
  • Mount Sinai Health System
  • Naison-Phillips Family Giving Fund
  • James Neu
  • Kristin Olson Smith and Dustin Smith
  • ONEX
  • Orion Infrastructure Capital (OIC)
  • Outfront Media
  • Permira Advisors
  • The Pinkerton Foundation
  • Michael and Robin Psaros
  • R & H Healy Family Foundation
  • John and Madison Rhea
  • Sybil Robson Orr and Matthew Orr
  • Peter and Rebecca Shapiro
  • Snider Foundation
  • Robert and April Snyder
  • Sport dans la Ville
  • Scott Stackman
  • Emily Stecher and Stephen Rosenthal
  • Kevin and Kristin Sterling
  • STS Foundation
  • Tarte Family Fund
  • Waste Management
  • Finn Wentworth
  • Kevin and Amanda Widmaier
  • Nanar and Tony Yoseloff
  • Zara and David Tisch Family Fund
  • Zeldin Family Foundation

  • Anonymous (5)
  • George Ackert
  • AT&T
  • Anna Bager
  • BMO Capital Markets Corp
  • Stuart Britton
  • Brownstone Investment Group
  • Capital One
  • James J. Capra Jr and Linda E. Ransom
  • Chick-fil-A
  • Eric and Tessa Childs
  • Cozen O’Connor Foundation
  • Crowe Foundation
  • Cushman & Wakefield
  • David M. Duffy Jr. Foundation
  • The DLC Foundation
  • DREAM Alumni Council
  • Empire State Realty Trust
  • Eric and Julie Epstein
  • Garret Bars
  • Keith and Debbie Gelb
  • Angelo Genova
  • GoGo SqueeZ
  • Goldring Family Foundation
  • Joel I. Greenberg
  • Harlem Capital Partners
  • HBJ Investments
  • The Heckscher Foundation for Children
  • Tom Hessert
  • HIG Capital
  • Michael and Leah Hollander
  • Christopher James
  • Kallman Family Charitable Fund
  • Keith Kaplan
  • Vienn Kim
  • Gayle King
  • The Landis Group
  • Aymeric Lepeu
  • Brian and Beth Levine
  • Zach and Robyn Levitt
  • Lion Tree
  • Thomas and Amanda Lister
  • MADDD Equities
  • Jeremy and Jane Male
  • Match.com
  • MFM Contracting Corp.
  • Kammy and Brett Moalemzadeh
  • Nancy and Robert Risman Family Foundation
  • National Basketball Association
  • David Neglio
  • Nelson Mullins
  • The New Yorker
  • Newmark Grubb Knight Frank
  • Nicholas Val Napolitano Memorial Fund
  • The O’Toole Family Fund
  • Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
  • Perkins Coie LLP
  • Perkins Eastman
  • Marc and Jayne Pillemer
  • PNC Bank
  • Guy and Mehren Potvin
  • Jason Rabin
  • Jon Rosenfeld
  • RXR Realty
  • Schaller & Weber
  • Nicholas and Katherine Scharlatt
  • Stephen and Allison Silver
  • Simon Quick Advisors
  • Rachel Skelly
  • Jonathan and Jennifer Soros
  • Jeff and Kristi Spychala
  • Maggie and Donald Swift
  • TGI Office Automation
  • Joe Torre
  • Trey Duffy Foundation
  • White & Case LLP
  • Jeff Wilpon
  • Winged Keel
  • James Yolles
  • Steven Zacharius

  • Anonymous (12)
  • 3 Birds Print
  • Adolph and Ruth Schnurmacher Foundation
  • Alan and Deborah Cohen Family Fund
  • Venu Angara
  • Apollo
  • Atlas Capital Group
  • Amit Basak
  • Stephen Belber and Lucie Tiberghien
  • Stephen and Rosa Bellwood
  • James Bender
  • Richard and Kara Berlin
  • Michael and Eryn Bingle
  • Builione Family Fund
  • Michael Buman
  • Charles Cahn
  • David Cohen
  • Bill Colavito
  • David and Jennifer Conover
  • Elyse and Joshua Cromer
  • Vaughn Crowe
  • Ronnie Davis
  • Angela Diaz
  • Martin Edelman and Norma Kamali
  • Matt Eilers
  • Valerie Fabbro
  • Jonathan Fascitelli
  • Susan Feinberg
  • Formagrid Inc.
  • David Fox
  • Jeffrey Gil
  • The Goodies Factory
  • Andrew and Annie Grabowski
  • Lon and Bonnie Greenberg
  • Greenberg Traurig, LLP
  • Troy Gregory/System One
  • Terrica and John Grunewald
  • Johnathan Gyruko
  • Fred and Ellen Harris
  • Douglas Heitner
  • Hirschen Singer & Epstein LLP
  • Holt Logistics
  • John Hughes and Tamara King
  • Earl Hunt
  • Marc Jaffe
  • JM Zoning
  • Adam and Amanda Kaminer
  • Sohail Khalid
  • Richard Kind
  • Michael Koester
  • Nicholas Kono
  • Julie Koster
  • Kush Kotecha
  • Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel
  • Tom Leonard
  • Erin Levi Blondes
  • Michael Levine
  • Jacob Lipton
  • Frank Liu
  • Gilbert Liu and Ling Chow
  • Jonathan Locker
  • Ira Lubert and Pam Estadt
  • Brian Macey
  • Timothy Margraf
  • Mastercard
  • Scott Mcdavid
  • Midnite Signs, Inc.
  • Miles Technologies
  • Michael and Katherine Modena
  • Randy Moore
  • MSG Personal Lines Agency LLC
  • Philip and Tammy Murphy
  • Elizabeth Naftali
  • New York Life
  • Jeffrey Nickell
  • Nitorum Capital, L.P.
  • The O’Rourke Family Fund
  • Christopher Oglesby
  • The Olshan Family
  • Chauncey Parker and Alexa Lambert Parker
  • Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP
  • Penguin Random House
  • Carl Philips
  • Daniel and Margo Polett
  • Alan Potamkin
  • Joshua Press
  • Robyn Rabin
  • Aliza Raffel
  • Zanna and Mazdack Rassi
  • Nina Rees
  • Nicole Rodriguez Leach
  • Gary Rosen
  • Rosen Associates
  • Samson Asset Management
  • Elisabeth Scharlatt
  • Yesenia Scheker-Izquierdo
  • Jeffrey and Natalie Schwartz
  • Victoria J. Siesta
  • Juliette Silver
  • SL Green Realty Corp.
  • Josiah Slotnick
  • Andy and Molly Snyder
  • Solomon Partners
  • Andrew and Gerri Sommers
  • Elliot Steinbaum
  • David Stiepleman and Carey Lifschultz
  • Edwin Stier
  • Eric Sutherland
  • Taconic Investment Partners LLC
  • Yaniv Tepper
  • Fern and Lenard Tessler
  • Rodney Thorn
  • Harry Turner and Brian Keil
  • Marshall Turner
  • Jennifer Utley
  • Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University Irving Medical Center
  • Rob and Lesley Vecsler
  • Erin and Greg Volkmar
  • Volunteers of America Delaware Valley
  • Wallbrook
  • Karen J. Watai
  • Roger Weisberg and Karen Freedman
  • Ted and Nina Wells
  • Stephen Whitehouse
  • Adam Wolfberg
  • Nancy Zemlak
  • Dana Zucker and Brahm Cramer

  • Anonymous (8)
  • Acords Outdoor Services
  • AJA Foundation
  • Rob Axenrod
  • Michael Blewitt
  • Meghan Bracken
  • Joy and Steven Bunson
  • Charles and Sarah Butler
  • Dabian Canales
  • Chris Carlin
  • Christopher S. Bartels Fund
  • Jack and Beth Curtin
  • Laura Gordon Fisher
  • Mark Friedland and Leslie Newman
  • Google Matching Gifts Program
  • Ron Hertz
  • Arnold and Sandra Kaminer
  • Rob and Suzanne Koroshetz
  • Tejus and Jennifer Kulkarni
  • Andrea Lakian
  • Crystal Lane
  • Chris Leary
  • Kevin and Leslie Lloyd
  • Michael Ludwig and Jean Harris
  • Michelle Morton
  • Catherine and Judith Moskal
  • Michael and Jeanine Moutenot
  • MSG Risk Management Inc.
  • New Schools Venture Fund
  • Gerrit Nicholas
  • Overbrook Foundation
  • Anthony Pardo
  • Park Murray Capital
  • The Partnership for After School Education (PASE)
  • Amy and Ryan Paul
  • Price, Meese, Shulman & D’Arminio
  • Andrew and Alina Rasiej
  • RHS Management Group
  • Jane Scaccetti
  • The Schaefer Family
  • Jonathan Schmerin
  • Kellie Spann
  • Michael Stecher
  • Susan Steinman
  • Robin Toblin
  • Rui Viana
  • Vista Credit Partners
  • Aaron Voros
  • Eric and Jennifer Weingartner
  • Bob and Cheryl Welch
  • Ken Yagoda
  • Rebecca Zelenka

  • Anonymous (14)
  • AIG Matching Grants Program
  • Jaylen Amaker
  • Amazing Graphics
  • Apple Inc.
  • Luke Beasley
  • Jonathan and Sage Belber
  • Beth Am Synagogue
  • David Blanchard
  • Johanna Branagan
  • Jason Bratin
  • Jessica Brenner
  • Bradley Brodar
  • Stanley and Martha Buelt
  • Charles and Gale Campisi
  • Jeanette Carroll
  • Christopher and Laura Caruso
  • Abigail Castillo
  • Pamela A. Chait
  • Gregory Chertok
  • Darius Dale
  • David and Sarah Daneker
  • Ryan Davidson
  • Will Dennis
  • Sean Doherty
  • Elizabeth and Nick Durastanti
  • Ken Ebeling
  • Roy Ellis Ochoa
  • Sandra Evans
  • Shayna Fader
  • Phillip Fantle
  • Maureen Farley
  • Adam and Caren Fisher
  • Ryan Fisher
  • Laurel Fitzpatrick
  • Jesse Galdston
  • Yorman Garcia
  • Deborah Gavula
  • Maria and Efrain Gerena
  • Jason Ghoshhajra
  • Arthur and Margareta Gilman
  • Elizabeth Goldfarb
  • Kevin Gomez
  • Lindsay Hagmann
  • Bruce and Patricia Hammer
  • Maxime Harnik
  • H. Peter Haveles
  • John Hedlund
  • Kelly Henandez
  • Ross Honig
  • Jeffrey and Susan Hunter
  • Claire James
  • Bridget Johnston
  • Sam Keehn
  • Ryan Kelley
  • Hannah and Sung Kim
  • Barbara Kokot
  • Lexie Komisar
  • Matthew Kondratowicz
  • Joel Konigsberg
  • Mathew Lewis and Natasha Berney
  • Susan Lipton
  • David Lunken
  • Valentine Lysikatos Carey
  • Grant Macqueen
  • Andrew and Bethany Martin
  • Joseph Martin
  • Michele Martocci
  • Sally D. Mason
  • Louise Matthews
  • Lisa Maxwell
  • Christopher Mayro
  • Andrew Mccaffery
  • Karina McNish
  • Jason Medina
  • Arianna Mendez
  • Alyssa Meyer
  • Mohammed Mia
  • Julia Mitchell
  • Justin Molinaro
  • Nicholas Moseley
  • Mutual of America Foundation
  • Joseph Naber
  • Noah Negrin
  • Katie Nelson
  • Peter Noonan
  • Orleans Family Charitable Foundation
  • Juliet-Rain Pagan
  • Natasha Pallan
  • Brittany Pearson
  • Jonathan Perrelli
  • Louise Phillips Costoso
  • Brandon and Marissa Pick
  • Wanda Plaza
  • Jake Preston
  • Harris Pritchard
  • Jessica Prudhomme
  • Andrew Pyper
  • Art and Gladie Rabitz
  • Igor Radomyshelsky
  • Raytheon Technologies
  • Michael Reiss
  • Gillian Reitman
  • Jeremiah Riddle
  • Jessica Rispoli
  • Diane Rosenthal and Mark Deitch
  • Jonathon Saelinger
  • Jon Saltz
  • Brian and Jennifer Sampietro
  • Rachel Santiago
  • Steven Santoro
  • Kate Scanlon
  • Scott Schwartz
  • Robert Sellers
  • Bharathi Sethumadhavan
  • Justina Sharrock
  • Stacey Sheinbaum
  • Laura Shibles
  • Michael Simon
  • Laurence T. Sorkin
  • Spotify
  • Nancy Tarshis and Phil Galdston
  • Rachel Tobes
  • William Tsang
  • Anne Valentzas
  • Grace Van Bark
  • Carmen Villar
  • William and Diana Romney Gray Family Foundation
  • Zhao Yang
  • Amanda Yepez
  • Natalia Yulfo
  • Georgiana Zehner

  • Anonymous (8)
  • Damaris Adames
  • Chiara Alberetti
  • AOL Inc.
  • Jeremy Aponte
  • Corryn Barnes
  • Thomas Bittlemann
  • Megan Brown
  • Ryan Buser
  • Blake Caliguiri
  • CBRE
  • Alexander Chertok
  • Christina Contumelio
  • James Curtain
  • Chris D’Orso
  • Dominique Daniels
  • Albhanya De La Cruz
  • Ryan Delorge
  • Joan Delson
  • Colleen Doran and Jasmin Dendariarena
  • Corey Eber
  • Jenny Engel
  • Amanda Escalona
  • Angela Floyd-Afflick
  • Mikaya Franks
  • Tee Frisby
  • Evelis Galaraza
  • Candace Gallerani
  • Grace Gimpel
  • Jessie Goldman
  • Steven Goldstein
  • Matthew Gonzalez
  • Carlos Grimes
  • Nicholas Henderson
  • Shirley Hudders
  • Elizabeth Hyde
  • Joseph Interlandi
  • Jared James
  • Juliana Jimenez
  • Diana Joseph
  • Jennifer Khan
  • Gregg Knudsen
  • Michelle and Maria Lefrancois
  • Ruth MacRitchie
  • Andrew Mark
  • Zalika May
  • Patrick McEvoy
  • Stuart Miller
  • Jack Mindich
  • Reema Morris
  • Anjuli Patel
  • PayPal Giving Fund
  • Lailani Pendarvis
  • Paola Postiglione
  • Donya Price
  • Christine Pride
  • Jeffrey Rand
  • Jennifer Rayne
  • Michelle Rubio
  • Alex Ruiz
  • Scott Salter
  • Raphael Samuel
  • Lesley Sommers
  • Mark Stein
  • Michael Stone
  • Heather Sweet
  • Rigo Tapia
  • Luis Tejada
  • Gordon Toggweiler
  • Essence Torres
  • Jayden Torres
  • Total Quality Logistics, LLC
  • Christie Villegas
  • Linda Weaver

  • Lawrence and Lisa Barshay
  • Bazooka Candy Brands
  • David and Allison Blitzer
  • Noelle Crooks
  • Delta Air Lines
  • Joan Fallon
  • Fried Frank
  • GoGo SqueeZ
  • Hot 97
  • Walter Iooss
  • Curtis Action Jackson
  • Katzman Produce
  • LeagueApps
  • Major League Baseball
  • McKinsey Serves
  • Alexandra and Greg Mondre
  • The New York Yankees
  • Our Kids Read
  • Party City
  • Proskauer
  • Silver Lake
  • Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
  • Jamie Stecher and Becky Diamond

Supporter Spotlight

Like so many of DREAM’s partners, KPMG’s longtime support is multifaceted. The company has formed a unique relationship with our organization that includes 100 individual volunteers annually, and reaches almost every bucket of DREAM’s work.

At the individual level, KPMG’s Senior Director of Community Impact Meghan Bracken serves on DREAM’s Ambassadors Board, while Yesenia Scheker-Izquierdo, KPMG’s New York Managing Partner, is a member of DREAM’s Board of Directors. Company-wide, KPMG has been on hand for some of DREAM’s most meaningful moments throughout the year—during the holiday season, staff members helped pack and distribute hundreds of meals for DREAM families, and throughout the spring, the company contributed guest speakers for DREAM’s College and Career Day and hosted a group of high schoolers at their offices for a career exposure visit. This summer, KPMG visited DREAM’s REAL Kids program for their annual day of service, hosting a special field day that featured Olympic gold medal-winning gymnast Laurie Hernandez, in addition to donating more than 1,200 books for DREAM summer participants. And if this wasn’t enough, they committed to a multi-year, meaningful financial commitment from their foundation that will support DREAM expansion and growth.

Now that the new DREAM Charter School at 20 Bruckner has opened, KPMG is pursuing more initiatives that will benefit DREAM’s students, including the founding of our school library—located in the building’s Hall of Dreams—with a donation of 7,000 books.

“KPMG is one of our partners who define what a meaningful corporate relationship can look like,” says DREAM Chief Advancement Officer Maria Griffin. “They provide a variety of critical supports that create real impact for our students and families.”

The Power of Place

Those first volunteers who laid the foundation for DREAM’s future on a formerly abandoned neighborhood lot understood the importance of making sure all kids, everywhere, have safe, beautiful places to play, learn, and grow. More than three decades later, that remains our mission. Hear directly from our students how the power of place helps them dream big.


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